Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NETS Standards for Teachers
6. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues

Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PreK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Discuss health and safety issues related to technology use.
• Discuss diversity issues related to electronic media.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, cultural, and social issues related to technology.
• Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.

Teachers must be aware of certain issues that surround the use of technology in the classroom. I meet this standard due to my knowledge of the Turnitit site and because I will be a fair teacher. The Turnitit site allows teachers to submit students’ papers to check for plagiarism. It is important for the teacher to inform the students of legal issues that surround plagiarism. After studying my case study answers, one can see that I am familiar with different forms of technology, this includes speech synthesis. I will make sure that students with disabilities have access to technology that will help them with their learning. I will be able to meet this NETS standard because I understand different issues that are related to technology. I also know how to accommodate these issues.

Artifacts/ Evidence:

Turnitin Paper
Turnitin Site Case Study

Future Learning Goals:
By studying this standard, I understand that students should be aware of issues that surround technology. In the future, I hope to make students aware of these issues. Discussing safety issues with the students is one of the first issues I will address. Legal issues are topics that I will discuss. I will do this by explaining what plagiarism is. I will also make sure that students have access to the technology they need. I believe that this is an NETS standard that all teachers should completely understand.

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