Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Final Course Reflection
I have learned many things from taking the IT 365 course. I have become aware of a numerous amount of tools that I will use in the classroom. In the future I will be able to help students with disabilities due to my awareness of speech synthesis. I will also be able to create movies, websites, and concept maps that students can view in the classroom. I thoroughly enjoyed using different tools that help lighten the load for teachers, such as the rubric site and the puzzle site. By learning the NETS standards, I have become fully aware of different goals teachers need to meet. I will meet these goals by integrating different things into the classroom. Concept maps can be used for studying purposes or for fill-in-the-blank handouts. MovieMaker can be used to create a movie about different topics the students have studied. Websites, online notes sites, and blogs will be communication devices that I will use in my classroom. Not only will I integrate different tools into the classroom, but I will also show an understanding of legal issues that surround technology. The IT 365 class has also made me aware of a weakness I display when it comes to using technology. My weakness is my unawareness. I was unaware of most of the tools that were studied in this course. I have learned to use so many new tools in the classroom. I can only imagine what other tools lie ahead for teachers. I am sure there are several other teacher friendly tools that I am unaware of. I believe that this weakness is caused by lack of knowledge. In the future, I hope to become aware of these helpful devices. I plan on becoming aware by researching information. Not only will I research this information by discussing different topics with coworkers , but I will also find new information by using a search engine. One of my strongest attributes is my ability to learn things quickly. The reason I am capable of learning new technology quickly is because I always use it. In the future, I will overcome my weakness by becoming aware of new tools and learning how to use them quickly. I believe that by understanding my strong points and weak points, I will be able to become an excellent teacher.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Your blog looks great! I enjoyed reading your reflection. Your ideas and goals are great!