Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NETS Standards for Teachers
5. Productivity and Professional Practice

Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Collaborate in constructing technological-enhanced models, preparing publications and producing other creative works using productivity tools.
• Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating information.
• Use a variety of media and formats to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.
• Exhibit positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

I am able to use technology to design many creative works that will enhance the classroom. One tool I have worked with is Inspiration. Inspiration allows me to develop concept maps that the students can enjoy studying. I also created on puzzle from a teacher website. This tool allows me to create worksheets that are similar to games. The online notes site allows me to use technology for communication. It allows me to post notes, assignments, or reminders for my students. Another tool I have used that is similar to the online note site is a website. Not only can I post general notes about the class, but I can also post contact information, e-mail addresses, general information about me, or I could even create a class calendar. By creating this Blogfolio, I have created my own communication device. Teachers can use this tool to post information, and they can also view peoples comments. The assignments I have listed exemplify why I am fully capable of meeting this standard.

Artifacts/ Evidence:
Concept Map Puzzle Online Notes Website

Future Learning Goals:
A future goal of mine is to become more aware of creative tools. I enjoy working with tools that make learning fun. It is necessary that my future students enjoy being in my classroom. I believe that they will enjoy it if they work with exciting technology. I also hope to come in contact with some fabulous communication tools. I believe that these tools will come in handy when it is time to talk with the parents of my students. I hope to meet this goal by researching information and talking to my future coworkers.

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