Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NETS Standards for Teachers
1. Technology Operations and Concepts

Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
· Demonstrate a sound and understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems, which includes introductory technology literacy knowledge, skills, and concepts (described in the ISTE NETS Technology Foundation Standards for Students).
· Demonstrate proficiency in the use of common input devices; solve routine hardware and software problems, and make informed choices about technology systems, resources and services.

Reflection: I have had the privilege of growing up in a world of technology. I believe that my skills can easily support this NETS standard. One can easily tell that I have the capabilities of working with simple software, such as Inspiration and Word. After participating in the IT365 class, I am sure that I will be able to use these softwares in my classroom. My butterfly concept map shows that I am able to use my computer skills and knowledge to create tools to help me in the classroom. My concept map consists of many facts and photos, and I believe that students can understand information better by viewing facts in this fashion. Microsoft Word is a fabulous tool that all teachers should access on a daily bases. One can tell from viewing my lesson plans that I am fully capable of using Word in many different ways. I was also able to create my own MovieMaker and teacher website. These assignments show that I am able to use complex tools. I believe these are important aspects in becoming a well-rounded teacher.

Artifacts/ Evidence: Concept Map Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Website MovieMaker

Future Learning Goals: Although I have displayed my use of different computer skills, I am positive that these skills will continue to develop over time. I am sure that I will also face many difficult situations while using computers. I have overcome these difficulties in the past, and I will keep defeating them as well. According to this standard, I must be able to practice my computer skills on a daily basis. I can use Inspiration to create more concept maps. I could even use Inspiration to make a fill-in-the-blank concept map. Word can be used to write notes, lesson plans, list, or stories. I believe I will use Word to create many activities in the classroom. I can use MovieMaker to create films for the class to watch. Students and parents will have access to my website. It will provide information about me and the class. A goal of mine is for me to become more aware of other softwares that will be helpful to me in the classroom. My students will greatly benefit from my computer knowledge.

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