Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NETS Standards for Teachers
4. Assessment and Evaluation

Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Use technology tools to process data and report results.
• Use technology tools and information resources to increase productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning.
• Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
• Evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on their appropriateness and specific tasks.


I was able to study a variety of assessments while working on certain activities. One of my first activities dealt with evaluating websites. Although this is not an assessment that involves students, it is a necessary technique that all teachers must use. I had to evaluate a website to make sure it was student friendly. Another way I used assessments was by including an assessment in my lesson plans. It is important for teachers to check students’ understandings. This assessment should not only assess information about different topics, but it should also check their computer capabilities. I was also able to create a rubric from a website. This is a handy tool that all teachers can use when creating an assessment tool for their students. A way to assess students online is by accessing the Turnitin website. This site allows teachers to submit student essays to be checked for plagiarism. Through these different resources, I am able to use a variety of assessment tools to help further children in their academic studies. By using these resources, I am able to meet this NETS standard.

Artifacts/ Evidence:
Evaluation #1 Evaluation #2 Evaluation #3 Evaluation #4 Evaluation #5 Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Rubric Turnitin Paper Turnitin Site

Future Learning Goals:
By participating in the IT 365 class, I have learned that there are a variety of tools one can use for assessment. This standard informs me that a teacher not only needs to assess her students, but also the technology she plans on implementing into the classroom. A goal of mine is to become more familiar with different assessment tools. I am very capable of using a search engine. I believe that this tool will help me meet my future goal.

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