Monday, March 24, 2008


My Artifacts at a Glance

  • Concept Map (Inspiration)
  • Web Site Evaluations
  • Online Notes (SchoolNotes)
  • Online Rubric (RubiStar)
  • Online Puzzle (Puzzle APTE)
  • Lesson Plan
  • Case Study
  • Turn It In (Plagiarism)
  • Teacher Web Site
  • Movie Maker
  • Blogfolio

My portfolio consists of many items that I have created in my IT 365 class. They are helpful tools that all teachers can easily incorporate into their classroom. The concept map can be used as a teaching tool. It helps students’ link facts through notes and graphics. My web site evaluations consist of sites that I have carefully studied. Teachers should do this with any website they plan on using in their class. Online notes, online rubric, online puzzle, and the Turn it In site are all web tools teacher can use. They consist of tools that help teachers post information, create puzzles, design rubrics, and check students’ papers for plagiarism. Sites like these can help lighten the load for today’s teachers. I used Word to work with lesson plans. Word can not only be used to create lesson plans, but it can also be used for a number of other reasons in the classroom. Teachers should study different case studies in order to learn how to accommodate different students learning styles. This is why I provide information about a case study I have studied. Teachers can also use MovieMaker to create their own interesting videos about different topics. An important tool teachers can use to stay connected with parents is a teacher web site. Parents could look up contact information about the teacher, see important dates, and find helpful websites.

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