Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NETS Standards for Teachers
2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
· Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
· Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.

Reflection: By viewing my list of activities, one can obviously see that I am capable of providing a learning environment that is supported by technology. Both of the lesson plans I created are based on technology. Students use websites to obtain information about certain topics. They also use the teacher’s blog to list the information that they have learned from viewing the sites. My concept map contains many facts about the butterfly’s life cycle. Sure, people can create a concept map by writing it on paper, but can they add website links to it? This is the benefit of creating a concept map on Inspiration. It allows the teacher to provide facts, graphics, multiple colors, and links to helpful websites. As a teacher, I would allow my students to not only view my concept map, but I would also ask them to create their own. Teachers should be cautious of the websites they use in the classroom. This is why I will always perform a web site evaluation on sites I plan on using. As I did several web site evaluations about butterflies, I was able to see how simple it is to find and use helpful websites in the classroom. Teachers may also want to use MovieMaker in their classroom. This is a fun activity where teachers or students can create their on movie about certain topics. Although I only list four types of techniques to use to create a learning environment in the classroom, there are many other ways to fulfill this duty as a teacher in today’s classroom.

Artifacts/ Evidence: Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Concept Map Evaluation #1 Evaluation #2 Evaluation #3 Evaluation #4 Evaluation #5 MovieMaker

Future Learning Goals: I hope that in the future I am able to come in contact with more technological techniques to use in the classroom. I am sure that my school and coworkers will guide me into using more tools that are based around technology. We should create a technological environment because our world is becoming a society that leans on technology. This standard is a guideline I will use to create this type of environment. In the future, I will be able to create numerous lessons plans that contain different forms of technology. Inspiration concept maps will also be used in my classroom to outline units. I will always check websites to make sure they are working properly, contain appropriate information, and are kid friendly. This is a necessary technique because there are many dangers lurking around on the Internet that students could come into contact with.

1 comment:

Sarah Snuggs said...

I love your movie brittany, This could be a great technology assigment used in your future classroom.