Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Final Course Reflection
I have learned many things from taking the IT 365 course. I have become aware of a numerous amount of tools that I will use in the classroom. In the future I will be able to help students with disabilities due to my awareness of speech synthesis. I will also be able to create movies, websites, and concept maps that students can view in the classroom. I thoroughly enjoyed using different tools that help lighten the load for teachers, such as the rubric site and the puzzle site. By learning the NETS standards, I have become fully aware of different goals teachers need to meet. I will meet these goals by integrating different things into the classroom. Concept maps can be used for studying purposes or for fill-in-the-blank handouts. MovieMaker can be used to create a movie about different topics the students have studied. Websites, online notes sites, and blogs will be communication devices that I will use in my classroom. Not only will I integrate different tools into the classroom, but I will also show an understanding of legal issues that surround technology. The IT 365 class has also made me aware of a weakness I display when it comes to using technology. My weakness is my unawareness. I was unaware of most of the tools that were studied in this course. I have learned to use so many new tools in the classroom. I can only imagine what other tools lie ahead for teachers. I am sure there are several other teacher friendly tools that I am unaware of. I believe that this weakness is caused by lack of knowledge. In the future, I hope to become aware of these helpful devices. I plan on becoming aware by researching information. Not only will I research this information by discussing different topics with coworkers , but I will also find new information by using a search engine. One of my strongest attributes is my ability to learn things quickly. The reason I am capable of learning new technology quickly is because I always use it. In the future, I will overcome my weakness by becoming aware of new tools and learning how to use them quickly. I believe that by understanding my strong points and weak points, I will be able to become an excellent teacher.
NETS Standards for Teachers
6. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues

Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PreK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Discuss health and safety issues related to technology use.
• Discuss diversity issues related to electronic media.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, cultural, and social issues related to technology.
• Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.

Teachers must be aware of certain issues that surround the use of technology in the classroom. I meet this standard due to my knowledge of the Turnitit site and because I will be a fair teacher. The Turnitit site allows teachers to submit students’ papers to check for plagiarism. It is important for the teacher to inform the students of legal issues that surround plagiarism. After studying my case study answers, one can see that I am familiar with different forms of technology, this includes speech synthesis. I will make sure that students with disabilities have access to technology that will help them with their learning. I will be able to meet this NETS standard because I understand different issues that are related to technology. I also know how to accommodate these issues.

Artifacts/ Evidence:

Turnitin Paper
Turnitin Site Case Study

Future Learning Goals:
By studying this standard, I understand that students should be aware of issues that surround technology. In the future, I hope to make students aware of these issues. Discussing safety issues with the students is one of the first issues I will address. Legal issues are topics that I will discuss. I will do this by explaining what plagiarism is. I will also make sure that students have access to the technology they need. I believe that this is an NETS standard that all teachers should completely understand.
NETS Standards for Teachers
5. Productivity and Professional Practice

Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Collaborate in constructing technological-enhanced models, preparing publications and producing other creative works using productivity tools.
• Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating information.
• Use a variety of media and formats to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.
• Exhibit positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

I am able to use technology to design many creative works that will enhance the classroom. One tool I have worked with is Inspiration. Inspiration allows me to develop concept maps that the students can enjoy studying. I also created on puzzle from a teacher website. This tool allows me to create worksheets that are similar to games. The online notes site allows me to use technology for communication. It allows me to post notes, assignments, or reminders for my students. Another tool I have used that is similar to the online note site is a website. Not only can I post general notes about the class, but I can also post contact information, e-mail addresses, general information about me, or I could even create a class calendar. By creating this Blogfolio, I have created my own communication device. Teachers can use this tool to post information, and they can also view peoples comments. The assignments I have listed exemplify why I am fully capable of meeting this standard.

Artifacts/ Evidence:
Concept Map Puzzle Online Notes Website

Future Learning Goals:
A future goal of mine is to become more aware of creative tools. I enjoy working with tools that make learning fun. It is necessary that my future students enjoy being in my classroom. I believe that they will enjoy it if they work with exciting technology. I also hope to come in contact with some fabulous communication tools. I believe that these tools will come in handy when it is time to talk with the parents of my students. I hope to meet this goal by researching information and talking to my future coworkers.
NETS Standards for Teachers
4. Assessment and Evaluation

Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
• Use technology tools to process data and report results.
• Use technology tools and information resources to increase productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning.
• Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
• Evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on their appropriateness and specific tasks.


I was able to study a variety of assessments while working on certain activities. One of my first activities dealt with evaluating websites. Although this is not an assessment that involves students, it is a necessary technique that all teachers must use. I had to evaluate a website to make sure it was student friendly. Another way I used assessments was by including an assessment in my lesson plans. It is important for teachers to check students’ understandings. This assessment should not only assess information about different topics, but it should also check their computer capabilities. I was also able to create a rubric from a website. This is a handy tool that all teachers can use when creating an assessment tool for their students. A way to assess students online is by accessing the Turnitin website. This site allows teachers to submit student essays to be checked for plagiarism. Through these different resources, I am able to use a variety of assessment tools to help further children in their academic studies. By using these resources, I am able to meet this NETS standard.

Artifacts/ Evidence:
Evaluation #1 Evaluation #2 Evaluation #3 Evaluation #4 Evaluation #5 Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Rubric Turnitin Paper Turnitin Site

Future Learning Goals:
By participating in the IT 365 class, I have learned that there are a variety of tools one can use for assessment. This standard informs me that a teacher not only needs to assess her students, but also the technology she plans on implementing into the classroom. A goal of mine is to become more familiar with different assessment tools. I am very capable of using a search engine. I believe that this tool will help me meet my future goal.
NETS Standards for Teachers
3. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum

Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies that apply technology to maximize student learning.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
· Use content-specific tools to support learning and research.
· Use technology resources to facilitate higher order and complex thinking skills, including problem solving, critical thinking informed decision-making, knowledge construction, and creativity.
· Observe and experiences the use of technology in their major field of study.
· Use technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.

I was able to make two lesson plans while taking the IT 365 class. Both of my lesson plans consist of students accessing a website and viewing information. One of the websites contains facts and clip art, while the other is actually a live feed from a camera. The students were to study the sites and report information back to the teacher’s blog. This is a great activity for the students to exemplify the technological knowledge. These lessons not only provide the students with new information, but they also help expand their technological understandings. Another site I used was the online notes. This is a great way for teachers to post information about different topics, directions, or important events. This, like the lessons, is a great way for students to obtain new information and develop better computer skills. It is obvious that these activities will maximize student learning.

Artifacts/ Evidence:
Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Online Notes

Future Learning Goals:
In the future, I hope to come into contact with more websites like the ones I have previously used. These sites are teacher and student friendly. Bringing different websites in the classroom is a great way to enhance learning. Also using different communication tools, such as a blog or the online notes, is a great way to expand students’ technological capabilities. One way I can find information about resourceful websites is by asking people who frequently use technology in the classroom. Due to my computer knowledge, I can also find new websites by using a search engine. This standard shows me how technology enhances student learning.
NETS Standards for Teachers
2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
· Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
· Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.

Reflection: By viewing my list of activities, one can obviously see that I am capable of providing a learning environment that is supported by technology. Both of the lesson plans I created are based on technology. Students use websites to obtain information about certain topics. They also use the teacher’s blog to list the information that they have learned from viewing the sites. My concept map contains many facts about the butterfly’s life cycle. Sure, people can create a concept map by writing it on paper, but can they add website links to it? This is the benefit of creating a concept map on Inspiration. It allows the teacher to provide facts, graphics, multiple colors, and links to helpful websites. As a teacher, I would allow my students to not only view my concept map, but I would also ask them to create their own. Teachers should be cautious of the websites they use in the classroom. This is why I will always perform a web site evaluation on sites I plan on using. As I did several web site evaluations about butterflies, I was able to see how simple it is to find and use helpful websites in the classroom. Teachers may also want to use MovieMaker in their classroom. This is a fun activity where teachers or students can create their on movie about certain topics. Although I only list four types of techniques to use to create a learning environment in the classroom, there are many other ways to fulfill this duty as a teacher in today’s classroom.

Artifacts/ Evidence: Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Concept Map Evaluation #1 Evaluation #2 Evaluation #3 Evaluation #4 Evaluation #5 MovieMaker

Future Learning Goals: I hope that in the future I am able to come in contact with more technological techniques to use in the classroom. I am sure that my school and coworkers will guide me into using more tools that are based around technology. We should create a technological environment because our world is becoming a society that leans on technology. This standard is a guideline I will use to create this type of environment. In the future, I will be able to create numerous lessons plans that contain different forms of technology. Inspiration concept maps will also be used in my classroom to outline units. I will always check websites to make sure they are working properly, contain appropriate information, and are kid friendly. This is a necessary technique because there are many dangers lurking around on the Internet that students could come into contact with.

NETS Standards for Teachers
1. Technology Operations and Concepts

Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts

Performance Indicators for Teachers:
· Demonstrate a sound and understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems, which includes introductory technology literacy knowledge, skills, and concepts (described in the ISTE NETS Technology Foundation Standards for Students).
· Demonstrate proficiency in the use of common input devices; solve routine hardware and software problems, and make informed choices about technology systems, resources and services.

Reflection: I have had the privilege of growing up in a world of technology. I believe that my skills can easily support this NETS standard. One can easily tell that I have the capabilities of working with simple software, such as Inspiration and Word. After participating in the IT365 class, I am sure that I will be able to use these softwares in my classroom. My butterfly concept map shows that I am able to use my computer skills and knowledge to create tools to help me in the classroom. My concept map consists of many facts and photos, and I believe that students can understand information better by viewing facts in this fashion. Microsoft Word is a fabulous tool that all teachers should access on a daily bases. One can tell from viewing my lesson plans that I am fully capable of using Word in many different ways. I was also able to create my own MovieMaker and teacher website. These assignments show that I am able to use complex tools. I believe these are important aspects in becoming a well-rounded teacher.

Artifacts/ Evidence: Concept Map Lesson Plan #1 Lesson Plan #2 Website MovieMaker

Future Learning Goals: Although I have displayed my use of different computer skills, I am positive that these skills will continue to develop over time. I am sure that I will also face many difficult situations while using computers. I have overcome these difficulties in the past, and I will keep defeating them as well. According to this standard, I must be able to practice my computer skills on a daily basis. I can use Inspiration to create more concept maps. I could even use Inspiration to make a fill-in-the-blank concept map. Word can be used to write notes, lesson plans, list, or stories. I believe I will use Word to create many activities in the classroom. I can use MovieMaker to create films for the class to watch. Students and parents will have access to my website. It will provide information about me and the class. A goal of mine is for me to become more aware of other softwares that will be helpful to me in the classroom. My students will greatly benefit from my computer knowledge.

Monday, March 24, 2008


My Artifacts at a Glance

  • Concept Map (Inspiration)
  • Web Site Evaluations
  • Online Notes (SchoolNotes)
  • Online Rubric (RubiStar)
  • Online Puzzle (Puzzle APTE)
  • Lesson Plan
  • Case Study
  • Turn It In (Plagiarism)
  • Teacher Web Site
  • Movie Maker
  • Blogfolio

My portfolio consists of many items that I have created in my IT 365 class. They are helpful tools that all teachers can easily incorporate into their classroom. The concept map can be used as a teaching tool. It helps students’ link facts through notes and graphics. My web site evaluations consist of sites that I have carefully studied. Teachers should do this with any website they plan on using in their class. Online notes, online rubric, online puzzle, and the Turn it In site are all web tools teacher can use. They consist of tools that help teachers post information, create puzzles, design rubrics, and check students’ papers for plagiarism. Sites like these can help lighten the load for today’s teachers. I used Word to work with lesson plans. Word can not only be used to create lesson plans, but it can also be used for a number of other reasons in the classroom. Teachers should study different case studies in order to learn how to accommodate different students learning styles. This is why I provide information about a case study I have studied. Teachers can also use MovieMaker to create their own interesting videos about different topics. An important tool teachers can use to stay connected with parents is a teacher web site. Parents could look up contact information about the teacher, see important dates, and find helpful websites.